Computer Science and Engineering
The Computer Science and Engineering department offers Master of Technology programmes which cover a number of important areas of Computer Science and Engineering, e.g., Algorithms, Computer Networks, Data Warehousing and Data Mining, Software Engineering, Machine Learning, Image Processing, Web Technologies, Data Analytics, Complex Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks etc. We provide our students with a broad undergraduate and graduate curriculum based on the application and theoretical foundations of computer science. Our faculty and students participate in interdisciplinary research. The combination of these elements makes the department an especially exciting environment in which to study and work, an environment that serves us well in our goal of providing excellence in education, research, and discovery. The department envisions producing quality graduates, capable of leading the world in technical realm. The department is equipped with latest configuration and high computing system with hi-speed Internet facility, both wired as well as wi-fi. The Computer Science programs at this institute are dedicated to educate students and to advance research in computer and information technology. The department has all the facilities to carry out the related teaching and research work.