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  • St. Soldier Institute of Engineering and Technology

    Affiliated to IKG Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala (Punjab)
    Approved by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

  Electrical Engineering  

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Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering

The electrical engineering department at SSIETM Jalandhar has specialized faculties in all important areas of electrical engineering such as power system, power electronics & drives, control & automation and signal processing. The academic and research activities in the department focus on the frontier areas of electrical engineering such as power quality studies, distributed generation, soft switching of converters, inverter design, control strategies for complex systems including robotics systems & networked control systems, high voltage & insulation research, signal and image processing.Electrical Engineering broadly involving electricity, electromagnetism and electronics is essential in modern human life and industries. The present day academic activities of electrical engineering are very broad with this due reason.